Grapevine Floral Wreath

I have been needing a new project since my last one. So while I was browsing Pinterest I found many inspirations for a new wreath!
So I journeyed over to Joann's craft store to find what I needed.
I Love joann's! When I got there I found out that they were having a sale on the flowers and I also got an additional 20% off with from a coupon. I spent about $55 and saved about $50!!
Here are the supplies you will need for this craft:
~ Grapevine wreath (mine was 18", but you can use any size you want)
~ silk flowers (I got 2-3 of many different types)
~ Wire Cutters
~ Hot glue gun and glue

I started by heating up my Glue gun. Then I started using the wire cutters to shorten the flower stems. I learned to keep the stems longer at first and then trim them smaller later.
Once I cut the flower stems, I started laying the flowers on the wreath to get a design idea. It helped me to get a game plan and figure out how I wanted the wreath to look.

After I decided on a design I got to work at gluing.
I only took off half so I could see my plan. I ended up cutting a few of the stems shorter so they were easier to work with.
I learned that working from the outside in was easier. In the picture above I did place some flowers in the center to help cover some of the stems. I also learned that for some of the bare spots cutting smaller stems worked really well.
This Project probably took a total of 2 hours from start to finish, but I love how amazing it turned out.
The colors all work together and I love having so many different types of flowers in the design.